Manufacturing Technology Solutions

Unlock your manufacturing potential with the latest technology and industry evolutions. Get to where you want to be and manufacture with confidence.

Manufacturing Technology Solutions

Manufacturing and the technology needed is evolving rapidly. Those that evolve with it set themselves up to succeed, being more efficient, creating quality products, safely. Modern manufacturing is smart manufacturing. It's the integration of devices, controls and information across the enterprise, connecting the plant, site, facility and people, requiring both operation technology and secure information technology working together.

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We can help with…

Factory Floor Automation & Process Controls

Factory Floor Automation & Process Controls

Solution Consultant discussing technology with customer in front of Automation Wall

Every factory and manufacturer is looking to achieve their production goals, produce quality products, meet customer demands and stay ahead of the competition. That starts with the right automation and process controls system. We can help design, develop and deliver the most efficient industrial automation system that is right for your operation to meet your goals.

Bottles running through a labeling machine.


  • Application and Technology Domain Experts
  • Solution Partnerships
  • Process Control Solutions
  • Automation Solutions

OT Communication and Networks Support

OT (Operational Technology) Communication and Networks Support

IT-OT and e-business solutions

Connected smart manufacturing creates new visibility into your processes. With plants and processes becoming more connected and information driven, you need a strong and secure industrial network architecture and communication foundation.

Fiber optic ethernet cables into a Stratix industrial switch


  • Network Assessments
  • Remote Monitoring and Analytics
  • Factory Floor Network Monitoring

IT / OT Convergence Strategies

IT (Informational Technology) / OT Convergence Strategies

Manufacturing Technology solutions related content info.

The integration of your physical manufacturing systems with back-end hardware and software is integral as we move into the fourth industrial revolution driven by data and the internet of things. It is crucial to think about the plant-floor with the IT in mind. We can bridge the gap together with consulting, services and equipment.

IT-OT and e-business solutions


  • Security Posture Survey
  • Industrial Data Center Network Services
  • Machine Level Network Design

OT Information Visualization and Contextualization

OT Information Visualization and Contextualization

Manufacturing Solutions Visualization Strategies_jpg

Manufacturing equipment and processes today are producing ever increasing amounts of data. You need a way of turning that data into usable information and getting that information to the right person to drive production efficiency and profitability.

Working together on the plant floor, two partners, customer and distributor, work together.


  • Factory Floor Network Monitoring
  • Versavirtual Virtualization Service
Your Trusted Partner to Bridge your OT with your IT

Networking Solutions

Connecting the data and information from your OT environment and devices with your IT infrastructure allows you to make data-driven decisions.

We bring together our combination of plant floor experience, our network assessment and design expertise, our trusted technology and delivery partners, and localized support to be your trusted partner to bridge your OT with your IT.

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Smart Safety Solutions

The safety systems of yesterday were complex and required tedious wiring, making it difficult to keep employees protected and maintain compliance with regulations. 

The Smart Safety system of today simplifies your wiring system and gives you access to advanced diagnostic data to improve product quality, reduce downtime and most importantly, keep your employees safe.

Working Together to Innovate

Learn how Sleeve Seal creates one of the most advanced labeling machines with the help of partnering with Keathley-Patterson of the Industrial Solutions Network and Rockwell Automation.
Watch the Story